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Department of Teacher Ed教育

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Our Teacher Ed教育 programs are designed with each individual student in mind and promote close faculty-student relationships that often continue beyond graduation. We have a long and distinguished tradition of preparing teachers in programs approved by the New York State Ed教育 Department.

Undergraduate Programs

Teacher Ed教育 Mission Statement

The mission of all teacher ed教育 programs at Roberts Wesleyan University, guided by its Christian traditions, is to prepare candidates to be highly capable educators who think critically, who educate diverse populations effectively, and who lead collaboratively toward a global and more just society.

Our Teacher Ed教育 Programs provide:

  • The opportunity to gain your M.Ed. after your undergraduate degree in only 5 years with our 4+1 program
  • Critical knowledge and skills for teaching in a collaborative academic setting
  • Preparation to teach in your specific discipline(s) with solid understanding of the principles of effective teaching
  • Stimulating academic programs
  • A close relationship with area school districts that provide students with practical hands-on experiences

Successful completion of both our undergraduate and graduate teacher ed教育 programs qualifies students for certification in New York State, and most other states.

TED's Commitment to DEI and Social Justice

We recommend pursuing credits through our associates program before you can be eligible for our Pathway to Teaching program.

We recommend pursuing our Pathway to Teaching program. If you do not yet have 60 credits, you can earn more in preparation for starting in the program.